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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Arabic calligraphy the amazing Skin Eggs And Tantalize

Arabic calligraphy the amazing Skin Eggs And Tantalize
According to Lukman; process calligraphy with recycled materials is very simple. Eggshells collected in advance. For business this one Lukman did not have a problem because the neighbors around her house ready to supply the need for an unused egg shells. This material is then cleaned with detergent and retrieved for later dried husk.

Making process itself starts by giving the glue on the egg shell and affixed to the pattern that has been made. After drying newly added other colors to look good. And it was a beautiful calligraphy and not make people think at first glance made ​​of eggshells.

The prospect of calligraphy with this wasted material according to Lukman pretty good. "It's go green era where people prefer to enjoy the works from recycled materials," he explained. Therefore, no wonder there are four galleries that now holds his work. Yudi also markets online in the hope of outsiders come interested in his work.

Unfortunately, Lukman still have difficulties in increasing production, namely the lack of human resources. Currently for one product takes three to four days. "In fact, with a creative human resources could produce four products each day," he said. Well, one wants to cultivate the art of Arabic calligraphy are interested in egg shells of this blog just click this

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